Using Data Profiles to Preview Emails

Simulate customer cohorts or key business scenarios and preview emails with profiles applied to ensure that the right customer sees the right content.

Creating Data Profiles

In order to create a data profile, you must have either Admin or Developer permission level.

  1. In the adminstration section, click the Data tab.
  2. Select the Data Profiles section and click the Create a Profile button.
  3. Name your Data Profile, provide an optional description, and click Create Profile.

Once you've created your Data Profile, add some properties to that profile. Click the actions drop down menu ( ), and select Edit.

From here, you can create your data properties using the key value selector or by entering a JSON dataset.

Data Profile of an example Trial User

Using Data Profiles

After you have created your email template, you can preview the email using a Data Profile. This will use all the values associated with that profile.

  1. In an email draft, select the Data tab.
  2. In the Data tab, click on the Data Profiles section.
  3. Find the Data Profile you have created and click on the Preview button.
The same process applies for previewing blocks.

The email preview will be updated with the data from your data profile. Note that the data profile will still be used even if you navigate away from the data tab. This allows you to test different data profiles with your localizations.

Selecting different profiles to preview emails
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