Dyspatch Glossary

This glossary includes common terms used in Dyspatch and here in the Dyspatch knowledge base. Read on to learn more about Dyspatch and about building beautiful emails.


AMP for email allows teams to use modern app functionality within email. Add interactive components to create dynamic and engaging emails with AMP.


Dyspatch’s ‘Application Programming Interface’ allows developers to programmatically access their organization’s email templates from Dyspatch.


Blocks are pre-coded, pre-approved, responsive email content. Blocks can be vertically stacked and customized in the email builder to create new emails quickly.

Device Previews

View how your email looks when opened in different devices and email clients.


‘Dyspatch Markup Language’ is the templating language used in Dyspatch blocks, built to accelerate the creation of responsive email components that can be sent with any email service provider.

Dotted Underline

These definitions can help you master your Dysptach lingo.


An in-progress version of a template. A template can have multiple drafts, which you can create and edit without affecting production emails.

Dynamic Email Content

Text, links, images, and any other email elements that can change, through programming logic, based on the end user.


An email in Dyspatch is built using stacked blocks in the Email Builder.


JSON is a format for representing data with key and value pairs, used to store and exchange data.


The process of creating different language and locale-specific content for a template.


This is your account, where all your email production happens. You can customize your organization with workspaces, teams, and collaborators to create an email production workflow that works for you.

Organization Administrator

Responsible for managing teams, users, and Workspaces for an account.

Preview Data

Preview Data powers any dynamic content so you can see how it looks in the editor’s preview pane, Device Testing, and test sends.

Published Draft

An approved and locked version of a template that is available for download in Dyspatch or for syncing via the Dyspatch API. A published draft cannot be edited.

Submitted Draft

A draft that has been submitted for review. A submitted draft cannot be edited and remains locked until an organization admin or a workspace owner approves it or rejects it.

Transactional Email

An email that is triggered to send automatically when a user interacts with a website or web app.


A template is an email you can use to send personalized emails to your customers. You can build templates in our email editor by stacking and editing blocks.


The theme sets the style, like fonts or a background color, and determines which blocks are available in the email editor. Themes ensure your branding is consistent across emails.


Workspaces help you organize your emails and who has access to them. You can define roles in each workspace to create email building, approval, and ESP integration processes that suit your team.

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