Creating an API Key

An API key is a randomly generated string that is used to authenticate your requests and allow your team to fetch data from the Dyspatch API.

How to get to the API Keys List

Go to API Keys Page link in username dropdown

API keys can only be created by an Organization Administrator or an Organization Developer. The API Keys list is available by selecting Developer Tools from your username drop-down menu while in the Administration portal.

Create an API Key

Click Generate API Key to create an API Key

Click Generate API Key to create your API key. Name your API key something that will help you and other Administrators identify it.

Select the key permissions level:

  • Read & Write - Provides access to retrieving and posting requests via the API
  • Read-only - Provides access to only retrieving requests via the API

Copy your API key and save it somewhere secure!

Important! For security reasons, your API key will only be shown once. Please store your API keys in a safe and secure place as lost keys cannot be retrieved.

Using an API Key

Set Bearer followed by your API key as the Authorization header in your API requests. Below is an example curl request with an API key in the Authorization header.

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEAPIKEYXXXXXXXX12345678' \
  --header 'Accept: application/vnd.dyspatch.2023.01+json'

Refer to the Dyspatch API Documentation for more information.

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