Part 1: Basic Structures & Elements

Basic Structure

Anatomy of a DML Block:

A DML Block starts and ends with <dys-block>. After that comes one or more <dys-row>, containing one or more <dys-column>. Your content will sit inside the columns.


Responsive Columns

Multiple columns in a row will automatically be:

  •  •Stacked in mobile view - responsive design by default
  •  •Evenly divided, eg. 2 columns will each take up 50% of your body width
  •   •This can be modified with attributes (eg. <dys-column width=“25%”>)

Desktop: On desktop, columns appear side-by-side

Mobile: On mobile, columns are stacked vertically

Check the DML Documentation to see full details!

Basic DML Elements

Your email's contents will be contained inside of elements nested inside of a dys-column. The most basic elements are:

  • <dys-text>
    •  • Can add attributes to set font family, size, color, line height, etc.
  • <dys-title>
    •  • Works similarly to dys-text, but with larger default styling and 6 levels
  • <dys-button>
    •  • Href and text content can be made editable
  • <dys-img>
    •  • Alt-text, title, image source, and link url can be editable

Check out the DML Documentation to see a full list of attributes that can be used to customize each of these elements

Editable Content

One of the benefits of DML is the ability to edit your block content without touching the underlying code when building an email. Use these attributes to define what content can be changed in the email editor:

  • editable
    •  • Makes elements available to be changed in the email editor
    •  • Required to use editable-fields and editable-styles attributes
    •  • Each editable attribute requires a name that is unique to the block.
  • editable-fields
    •  • Defaults to all fields being editable if not included
    •  • Lets you specify which fields should be editable, those not included will be uneditable when editable-fields attribute is set
  • editable-styles
    •  • All editable styles are enabled by default
    •  • If the theme-level setting Enable all editable styles for blocks is disabled, only styles added in the editable-styles attribute will be editable in the email builder for emails using that theme

Viewing editable styles in the email builder

Putting it all Together

Check out this sample block in the DML Playground to see the DML we’ve covered so far in action.


        This image's source url, alt text, and href will be editable in the email builder. 
      <dys-img src='' editable='image'></dys-img>
        The content, color, heading level, size, line height, text weight, and alignment will be editable.
      <dys-title editable='title'>
        Change Me!
        Because this doesn't have an editable attribute, it cannot be changed in the email builder.
        By defining editable-fields as href, only the link will be editable, not the content.
        Setting the editable-styles will allow only the text and background colors to be changed in the editor, if "Enable all editable styles for blocks" is disabled in the emails theme.
      <dys-button align='left' editable-fields='href' editable-styles='color,background-color' editable='button'>Click Me</dys-button>

Rendered Block: DML Block

How does it look in the editor?

With the editable fields set in this example, this is what you would see if you were editing this block in an email:

The example DML block in the email editor


Use this example block to practice modifying these elements. Some things to try include:

  •  • Change the background-color of the row
  •  • Change the color and background-color of your button
  •  • Set the left column’s width to 25%
  •  • Set both columns’ vertical-align to middle
  •  • Try setting different values for padding in some of your elements


Part 2: Advanced Structures & Elements

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