Dyspatch offers block localization to make it easier to build and localize emails. Block localization is helpful for translation consistency across emails. Localize a Block to translate content to different countries, regions, or languages. Localizations are available with all Teams accounts and can be managed in the email builder or via the Dyspatch API.
To get started head to the themes and blocks page in your account and select the theme you want to work with.
In order to make content from your block localizable, add the attribute "localizable" to content you wish to translate. After this step you will able to translate the content in your block.
<a href='https://example.com' class='gray-link' localizable='link-1'>My Account</a>
The next step is to navigate to the "Localizations" tab, from here you can create a localization and give it a name your team will recognize. This name is for your reference only and can follow any naming convention that works for your team.
To translate your content you can either do this in the "Localizations" tab and add the translations you want in Dyspatch, or you can create localizations by uploading a PO file. You can translate any content, for example: images, texts, links and more.
Once you're happy with your translated content and have the localizations you want for your blocks, you can then save it and use that block in your themes and emails.
After you've saved the block to your theme and added it to the email editor, you can then view preview your localizations.
The localizations you’ve created are available for device previewsDevice PreviewsView how your email looks when opened in different devices and email clients. and test sending in the Preview area. Select a localization from the drop-down to preview the localized version of your email on selected devices.
Once you're happy with your translated content and have published your email, you can export your email and all the localizations by selecting Export in the email builder. Inside the downloaded zipped file will be your localizations in HTML and plain text.