Getting started with AMP for Email

AMP is a new technology from Google that enables you to add more interactivity to your email. Use Dyspatch to quickly create and iterate on this new format.

Use AMP's live data to personalize in real time. Utilize carousels and lightboxes to better display your content. Have customers engage through emails directly with interactive forms.

Example Dynamic AMP email

Enabling AMP in Dyspatch

Reach out to our support team to get AMP enabled for your account. Then your team will be able to start building and previewing AMP emails.

Configuring Gmail to Preview AMP Emails

Before you can preview your AMP emails from Dyspatch you will need to enable AMP previews in your Gmail account.

In Gmail:

  1. Sign into Gmail
  2. Click the Gear icon in the top right and click "See all settings"
  3. Enable "Dynamic email"
  4. Click "Developer Settings"
  5. Enable "Allow dynamic emails from this sender" and put "" in the field.
  6. Save
Gmail Dynamic Emails

Android and iOS instructions can be found in Gmail's Help Pages.

Using AMP in Dyspatch

In Dyspatch, we will automatically convert your block code to AMP HTML. This means you only need to write one block instead of separate ones for the regular email and the AMP email.

The ⚡ icon above the preview pane in the Block Editor and Email Builder allows you to preview what your AMP email will look like.

You can also send a preview to your inbox from the Email Builder by clicking "Preview" and selecting "Send a Test". Then select which type of preview you want. Selecting "Both HTML and AMP Preview" will send two copies to your email address. One with the AMP version and other with the HTML version. This way you quickly see what the HTML version will look like in your inbox.

Dyspatch Send a Test Screen

Find out how to use AMP in your Dyspatch blocks in our DML documentation.

Sending AMP Emails

Before you can start sending AMP emails to your users you will need to register with Google. All it takes to register is to fill out a form! Upon submission, you can also register with other providers like Outlook and


Google requires that you follow best email sending practices. Ensure that you have DKIM, SPF, and DMARC configured correctly and meet Google's security requirements.

You will need to have a "production ready" email to send to Google. This is where Dyspatch can help! Create your email using Dyspatch blocks and export HTML and AMP versions to send to Google.

See here for a complete list of Google's requirements.

Registering with Google

Now that you've met Google's security requirements and have built a beautiful email in Dyspatch you can register for AMP.

Follow the steps here and send Google a new AMP email through your ESP. Make sure you're sending from the address that the email will ultimately come from. AMP is currently enabled on a per address basis, so enabling "" and "" would require two separate submissions.

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