Targeting Dark Mode in Emails

Target dark mode using custom styles to ensure your emails are beautiful and accessible for everyone.

Applying dark mode specific styles is quick to implement and test in Dyspatch, meaning you can dial in dark mode early in your design process and maintain it across many emails.

All email clients implement dark mode in their own way, support varies for the following dark mode targeting methods. We recommend testing dark mode early and often, focusing on readability over pixel perfection

Adding Custom Dark Mode Styles in Dyspatch

Add Dark Mode Styling to a Theme

Every email in Dyspatch is assigned to a theme, which houses default styling for all elements assigned to it. To add custom styles, such as dark mode specific media queries, first pick the theme from your Themes list.

Navigating from the themes tab to the advanced tab of a specific theme.

In the theme's Advanced tab, add a <dys-style> tag outside of the <dys-attributes> tag, and include your custom styling.

  <dys-comment>Custom styling goes here</dys-comment>
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    #body {
      background-color: #4A4A4A !important;
    h1, h2 {
      color: #B3E6E2 !important;

Add Dark Mode Styling to a Block

Use the <dys-style> tag inside of a <dys-block> for one-off scenarios.

Styles declared inside of a block will be included in the head of the email. They may be applied to elements outside of the block if the selector or CSS class is not unique.

Block builder view of a dys-title element targeted for dark mode with a custom class


    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      .custom h2 {
        background-color: #000000;
        color: #ffffff !important;
      <dys-title css-class='custom' font-size='24px'>
        Block Specific Dark Mode

Email Client Specific Dark Mode Targeting

Many email clients and devices can be targeted with the following style inclusions.

Using the @media Query

By including the @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) query you can set darkmode styles for Apple Mail, iOS Mail, and some webview clients including some versions of Outlook.

  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    .custom h2 {
      background-color: #000000;
      color: #ffffff !important;
View the CanIEmail chart for prefers-media to visualize email client support for the prefers-color-scheme media query

Dark Mode in Gmail

Unfortunately, Gmail (Android and iOS) and Outlook 2019 for Windows don't support either @media queries or any other targeting method. Instead, they do a full invert of all colors in your email. By testing dark mode early and often, you can make adjustments to your design with dark mode in mind, including safeguarding images and logos for darkmode.

Using the Dark Mode Preview Button in the Email Builder and Theme Editor

While editing your theme, or building your email, you can toggle on dark mode preview with the moon icon above the email preview. This will enable all styles declared inside of an @media query in the preview.

User toggling on and off the dark mode preview button
@media queries will be rendered in Apple Mail, iOS Mail, and some versions of Outlook. See support for Dark Mode in Gmail, and test often, to cover all scenarios

Safeguarding Images and Logos for Dark Mode

To ensure your emails are legible and look good in dark mode across different email clients, it's best to optimize your images and logos for all possible scenarios.

Include a Border as Part of your Images

By adding a contrasting color surrounding your logos and images, as part of the image, then any form of inversion will still provide a clear separation between the background color and image content. This is especially ideal for dark or light logos.

Below is a Device Preview of the Dyspatch logo over a white background, as seen by dark mode users of Outlook Office 365. The logo on the left has no border added in the PNG image, making the dark areas blend into the background. The logo on the right has a 5px white border around the logo as part of the PNG image, which isn't inverted, keeping legibility and branding.

Two Dyspatch logos in a dark mode email in outlook office 365, one with no border and one with a border, showing accessibility improvement of having a border

Targeting Specific Elements

Targeting dys-text Elements

<dys-text> elements must have a CSS class applied to them to be targeted specifically. To add a class to all dys-text elements in an email, include the css-class="<your-class-name>" attribute to the dys-text element in the theme. You can name your class whatever makes sense to you. In the following example it's named body-text.

<dys-text color='#4A4A4A' css-class='body-text' font-size='16px' line-height='24px' />

The class of body-text will be added to the outer div of all dys-text areas in your email. Target the div inside of that class in your dys-style declaration to specify the dark mode styles.

  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    .body-text > div {
      color: #FFFFFF !important;
You may need to look at the exported HTML to find the correct HTML element to target. This can be done from the Code Preview in the Block Builder shown below

Code preview in the DML block builder to inspect generated HTML elements

Further Reading

Find more detailed information on optimizing images and content for dark mode in thisThe Dangers of Dark Mode for Email article.

Ensure you're getting the most out of Dyspatch by utilizing the built in Device Previews.

View the DML-101 dys-style documentation to learn more about using custom CSS in Dyspatch.

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