Exporting a Dyspatch Email to Campaign Monitor

Build beautiful emails quickly with Dyspatch and send them to your customers using Campaign Monitor.

Download Your Email

Once your email has been reviewed and approved, you can now Export your it from Dyspatch.

Click Export in the top right of the Email builder, select Download HTML, then locate Liquid under Languages. Liquid is the templating language compatible with Campaign Monitor's templating system.

Selecting the download button and exporting to liquid for Campaign Monitor

Select the Export icon in the Liquid selector. This will download a zipped file onto your system with the HTML, plain text content, metadata, and localizations (if applicable).

Unzip the file to be able to add the files to Campaign Monitor.

Add the Email to Campaign Monitor

Create a Campaign Monitor Campaign

Create a campaign page

Create a new Campaign under the Campaigns tab in Campaign Monitor. Name it something relevant to the email being delivered

Add Subject, From, and To Data

Campaign Monitor step 1 screen

Add your subject line along with your from and to settings. If you downloaded your email as a Zip file, the subject, sender, and reply to emails will be in the metadata.txt file, if they were added in Dyspatch.

Campaign Monitor stores your receiver addresses in lists, available under the Select Recipients option.

Add Email Content

Design email modal in campaign monitor

To add your Dyspatch email, click Design email, then select Import HTML.

Import html html field option

Either drag and drop the HTML file into the field, or click Upload and select the downloaded HTML file from your file system.

Make sure to uncheck "Move my CSS inline (for best results in Gmail and Outlook)". Dyspatch emails are already optimized for all clients.

Once the file is added to the input, click Start Import in the top right of the Import HTML modal and that's it! You will be brought to a preview page where you can review and save your Campaign Monitor campaign.

Email preview in Campaign Monitor

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