Rollback to Republish the Previous Draft

Published a draft only to find it wasn't ready to go out? Use rollback to quickly revert your published email to the previously published draft.

Rollback icon available in the email editor

The rollback icon becomes available on the most recently Published draft in the Email Builder, and in the drafts list on the most recently Approved draft. View the draft list by selecting the draft name from inside the Email Builder.

How to Rollback to the Previous Draft

Within an email's drafts list the last published draft will have an Approved tag. Hover over the approved draft and select the rollback icon to promote it back to the published draft.

Only organization administrators are able to rollback an email.


Can I rollback to an older draft?

Rollback is only available for the Approved draft, which is the last draft published. All your previously published drafts are still available though, you can submit an older draft and take it through the approval process to publish it again.

What happens to the currently published draft if I rollback?

It will become the newly Approved draft so you can quickly promote it back to Published with rollback if needed.

How do I resume editing on the draft I rolled back?

The rolled back draft is now the Approved draft in the drafts list. To make changes to the Approved draft you can duplicate it, make the changes to the duplicated draft, then submit it for approval to publish it.

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