Manage your Dyspatch translations in Crowdin with Crowdin's Dyspatch Connector application
To connect your Crowdin enterprise or account account to Dyspatch, install the Dyspatch connector in Crowdin by selecting Marketplace and searching for Dyspatch.
Once installed, navigate to a Crowdin project, select Integrations, search available apps for Dyspatch, then click the Dyspatch logo. You will be prompted to enter a Dyspatch API key.
In Dyspatch, select Generate API Key From the Developer Tools dashboard. Name the key, select Read & Write for the permissions, then Generate Key.
View our Creating an API Key doc for more a more detailed walkthrough.
Copy the API key from Dyspatch and paste it into Crowdin to connect the accounts.
Using the Crowdin Integration, translations are managed in the Crowdin app, rather than in Dyspatch. View Crowdin's Dyspatch Connector Doc and video to see more on using Crowdin with Dyspatch.