Using Customer Profiles to Preview Emails

Simulate customer cohorts or key business scenarios and preview emails with profiles applied to ensure that the right customer sees the right content.

Creating Customer Profiles

In order to create a customer profile, you must have either Admin or Developer permissions.

Create and Edit a Customer Profile by Name and Placeholder

Customer Profile data input page with mock data

  1. Select Data from the administration dashboard.
  2. Select the Customer Profiles tab and click Add Profile.
  3. Name your Customer Profile, provide an optional description, and Create Profile.
  4. Add your profile's properties as key value pairs. Add the key in the Name field, and the value in the Placeholder Value field. Duplicate a row to add more properties.

Create and Edit a Customer Profile as JSON

Customer Profile JSON editor page with mock data

You can input or edit your Customer Profile data in JSON format by toggling Show JSON Editor.

Keys/Names in JSON do not contain spaces.

Assigning Customer Profiles to a Workspace

Keep your workspaces organized by assigning customer profiles and customer profile folders to workspaces.

Select the " 3 dot " menu next to the profile or folder and select Manage Workspaces. Toggle a workspace to Active to use that customer profile, or all profiles in a folder, in that workspace.

Customer profile dropdown menu from the 3 dot menu on the Admin Data dashboard

If you'd like your data set accessible to all workspaces, consider using Global Variables alongside different customer profiles

Using Customer Profiles

Customer Profiles, as well as Global Variables and email specific Preview Data, can be used to build and preview dynamic copy, urls, and different blocks of an email.

Adding Dynamic Variables to an Email

Use your company's data by adding dynamic variables as values by wrapping the variable name inside of an "@{}". This can be used for copy, metadata, urls, and anything else your ESP supports.

Title of an email using a dynamic variable

DML variables export to different languages without changing your Dyspatch email so you're not locked into one ESP or templating language.

Render Blocks Dynamically with Conditionals

To increase user engagement, many organizations use customer data to offer their customers a tailored email based on their preferences or account status.

Block with conditional rendering set in the Email Builder

Select a block in the Email Builder and Add Logic to the Display Options. When a user's data makes the condition set on the block true, the block will be rendered.

See more about using conditionals here.

Previewing Emails with Customer Profiles

Previewing Dynamic Content in the Email Builder

After you have created your email, you can preview the email using a Customer Profile. This will use all the values associated with that profile.

  1. Toggle on Preview with: at the bottom of the Email Builder
  2. Select the Customer Profile you'd like to preview
Selecting different profiles to preview emails

The email preview will be updated with the data from your customer profile.

Previewing Dynamic Content in Device Previews

Litmus in-app device preview with dynamic content

Select a Customer Profile as your Content when generating device previews or sending test emails to see exactly what you're communicating to your customers.

Preview Data is an alternative to Customer Profiles that is stored in an individual email, for unique and one-off emails.

Using Global Variables

If you'd like your entire organization testing off of the same default data set, an Admin or Developer can include Global Variables the same way as Customer Profiles, but on the admin data page. These variables work the same as Customer Profiles with the added benefit of being always available to all emails in all workspaces.

Global Variable names/keys also provide auto-population when adding DML variables in the rich text editor of the email builder.

View more on Testing with Device Previews.

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