Using the Email Builder

Drag and drop blocks to assemble your email. Build, localize, edit, and preview email content all in one place without touching code.

In the Email Builder

Let's take a look at the elements that will help you assemble an email.

Add Subject and Preheader

click Add Subject and Preheader, or edit graphic, to add Subject and Preheader in the email builder

Clicking Add Subject and Preheader above the email preview will drop down subject and preheader input fields. If a subject or preheader already exist, click the Edit icon next to the subject line.

The preheader, also sometimes called preview text, is the text that follows the subject line in an email inbox. Read more about preheaders.
Watch for Email Guardrail warnings and suggestions next to the save button to capitalize these valuable fields. See more about Email Guardrails.

The Apps & Blocks Tab

View of the email builder blocks tab

In the Apps & Blocks tab are all the blocks and block folders assigned to the theme being used to build your email, as well as a selection of customizable layouts.

drag and drop a block into the email builder preview section

Drag your blocks into the preview section and select a block to customize its content. Editing content in the blocks will automatically update the email preview on the right.

The Data Tab

Add and select from different sets of data to preview your email's dynamic content.

Preview Data and Customer Profiles are similar in that each is data your team enters into Dyspatch to preview dynamic email content. Preview Data is unique to the email it is stored in, whereas Customer Profiles are available as test data in all of your organizations emails

Preview Data

Previewing Your Email With Preview Data

Add test data as custom variables or in JSONJsonJSON is a format for representing data with key and value pairs, used to store and exchange data. format in the Data > Preview Data tab. To view the email with preview data, toggle on Preview Dynamic Data.

Read more about Testing Your Email With Preview Data.

Customer Profiles

Previewing Your Email With Customer Profiles

Customer Profiles are similar to Preview Data except that they're available in all of your emails, and created under the Administration Customer Profiles menu. Store different data sets and scenarios to individualize emails for your customer's unique status.

Preview Data and Customer Profiles are only for previewing in Dyspatch. Data they contain will not be used in your live emails.

The Localizations Tab

Email builder localizations tab

The Localizations tab is where you create and manage different localized versions of your email. To learn more about localizationLocalizationThe process of creating different language and locale-specific content for an email or SMS., read our localizing an email article.

The Metadata Tab

Email builder metadata tab

The Metadata tab is where you enter your ‘From’ and ‘Reply’ details for your email, such as ‘Sender’ and ‘Reply To’ names and email addresses. You can also see the emails's ID on this tab and a list of all dynamic variables in use. Our Setting Up Metadata article has more information available.

Saving, Testing, and Submitting a Draft

Previewing Your Email With Customer Profiles

To create a new draft or view a list of existing drafts, click the draft name at the top of the email builder. You can also save your draft through the top menu bar, or click the Preview button to test your email on a variety of devices and email clients with device testing, send a test email, or submit your draft for approval.

Video Walkthrough

Want to see our email builder in action? Check out our video walkthrough to learn some extra tips and tricks!

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